Monday, March 9, 2015

Can Manchester City Buy Their Way To The Premier League Title

The simple answer to the above question, of course, is No,custom bobblehead, obviously not. After all, buying the title of Champions of the English Premier League would entail bribing a large number of referees, opposing players and, almost certainly,customize bobblehead, League officials. Not very likely really. Although, listening to some of the comments people are making about Manchester City this summer, that method would seem almost moral compared with their audacity in trying to sign some of the game s top players.

This might all sound rather flippant as a response to a serious question but, to be frank, I find it all rather bemusing for people to suggest that becoming Premier League winners is as simple as throwing money into the transfer market. It it had been that easy,customize bobblehead, Liverpool would have won the title in the last couple of years � and Arsenal would have had no chance!

I find it strange to read all this criticism of Manchester City just because, suddenly,What Styles Of Dory Boat Can I Build From Home, they have seemingly unlimited money to spend. Some of it does taste a little of sour grapes. Or hypocrisy in the Case of Sir Alex Ferguson � who didn t mind breaking the transfer record to sign Cole, Veron or Ferdinand. And his team is not exactly home grown nowadays, is it? How many of the Man Utd best eleven was not bought in for a big fee? Sir Alex is clearly getting a little worried. Why else would he have started the they re just a small club insinuations and the mind games already. He hasn t, after all, started making his comments about any other club, has he?

Even worse, perhaps, are the jibes aimed at players who have had the temerity to join Manchester City s project . They re only doing it for the money, you see. Where is their loyalty to Aston Villa, Blackburn, Arsenal or the Man Utd substitutes bench? Well, let s see the people saying this turn down the chance of perhaps a 50 wage increase if they re offered a post at a rival employer, shall we?

It seems as if Manchester City s new owners have, by taking control at Middle Eastlands ,Ring Bearers, usurped the position of evil foreign despot once held at Chelski and Manchester United Soccer Club. But really, who cares if the owners are from overseas,., as long as they re committed to the club? Let s face it, Mike Ashley is hardly an advert for English ownership of one of our best supported clubs, is he?

And Manchester City is one of our best supported football clubs � the fans were voted the Premier League s most loyal in a recent poll. They have had to endure some pretty rough years since the days of Lee,personalized bobblehead, Bell, Young and Summerbee. Yet they still turned up in their thousands to the old Second Division and have clung to the hope that, one day, one of those breaking dawns wouldn t prove to be yet another false one.

So, can Manchester City buy their way to the League title?

Well, perhaps, just perhaps, the players Mark Hughes has at his disposal might be good enough to offer a realistic challenge. I, for one, hope so. Anything to shake up the complacency of the self styled Big Four who seem to regard Champions League qualification as a God given right. Anything to dent the arrognace of the fans of those same teams � who consider their teams untouchable.

Manchester City has enough good players in the squad to begin the season with realistic expectations of giving it a good go , at any rate. Whether it s enough to take the title this year is doubtful; but I hope at least they shake the others up and make life at the top a lot more interesting.

It would certainly be worth going along to Eastlands to have a look at some of the talent they ve got on display there now.

An Overview of the English Premier League. What to expect in 2009/2010

One thing we can safely predict about the upcoming English Premier league season is that it s going to be interesting,personalized bobblehead; very interesting.

At both ends of the table, as well.

After all, for a start it does look as if, at last, we are going to see an end to the Big Four dominance. Even the most confident of the supporters of Man Utd, Chelsea, Liverpool and Arsenal must admit that Manchester City have made some pretty good signings and are going to be very competitive this year.

And do Manchester United fans really believe deep down that they re going to be as strong this time around? Ronaldo, Tevez gone. Giggs, Scholes, Neville nearly gone. Hargreaves � who knows? No, the champions supporters must be truly anxious � they have so much depending on Berbatov starting to justify his fee and Owen to validate his assertion that he s not injury prone.

Everyone else must think that this season gives them a real chance to catch them up.

Having said that, though, Liverpool and Arsenal have hardly had tranquil summers, have they? Rafa Benitez has been desperately trying to hold on to his midfielders and cajole his board into giving him more money. Meanwhile Ars�ne Wenger has yet again been proving his genius by turning Kolo Toure s �150,Mobile Credit Card Processing It�s Easy And Offers Great Benefits,personalized bobble heads,000 incoming transfer fee into a �15 million outgoing one. Let alone getting even more money for Adebayor! On the other hand, he did try to bring back Viera. Did he not see him play last season?

Chelsea are really the only one of the leading lights to have enjoyed a settled break, so they might well be considered as bookies favourites. They, though, have the complication of yet another new manager � and the formidable expectations of their owner to live up to. Of last year s top four clubs,customized bobbleheads, Chelsea look to have the most goals in them; they just need their defence to rediscover a little of their once traditional meanness and they could well win the title this year.

Manchester City, however,custom bobblehead, with their if it moves, sign it policy have the chance of realistically competing at the top end of the table. Their spine of the team is beginning to have a very strong appearance. Similarly, Everton and Aston Villa,personalized bobble heads, so promising last year in completely differing ways, must think that if they can find a 10 improvement then the Champions League beckons.

It does look, then, as if, for the first time in a long while,How To Choose Basketball Goals For Your Team, there could be six or seven teams in the shake up for the top places. And what a refreshing change that will be. Add to that,customized bobbleheads, the prospect of Spurs,custom bobbleheads, West Ham, Fulham, and Blackburn, amongst others, chasing for Europa League spots at least and it all boils down to a fascinating league season.

And the other end promises to be just as competitive. Normally, of course, the pundits will automatically look at the three teams coming up from the Championship and confidently predict that at least two of them will probably go straight back again. But Birmingham and Wolves have experienced managers who know how to grind out results and players not likely to be phased by the step up.

Not only that, but the way that Sunderland and, especially, Hull finished last season, you ve got to think they ll struggle again this year. Stoke also have to survive that difficult second season . It does look as if Burnley might find life tough but they do play attractive attacking football and have proved last year in cup competitions that they are quite capable of defeating Premier teams. If they can settle quickly, they might be able to surprise a few more. I hope they can � the Premier League can only be a better place with Burnley v Blackburn derby matches to spice it up!

The television experts love to keep shouting at us that the Premier League is the best in the world . Certainly it s the best supported and the most watched on the box. It does show all the signs this season of being a lot more competitive as well � so it might just live up to its billing. It s certainly going to be well worth watching.

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