Tuesday, March 3, 2015

My Big Yap Vol 9

Yo yo another big yap coming your way. It has been a while since I made one but figured what the hey might as well pump out another one. This time I am going to talk about the gimmicks that are being used in the WWE and how some of them are so bloody stupid.

Lately we have been given the gift of Jericho and how he has turned into the conscience of the people watching and enjoying the WWE. Which is fine.. when he was coming back from his retraining his theme was to save us. However he has turned into the legend killer, as proofed by the last Wrestlemania. Now strike me if I am wrong but didn�t we already have ANOTHER fighter use that gimmick? And did it not get very old very quick? I mean come up with something a little new to our senses.

I realize that it is hard to do so when you have 60 year olds writing the storylines for the shows and they have been doing so for many years. Eventually they run out of ideas. Or maybe they think that the last time they ran gimmicks was so long ago that they can refresh them anew with the young viewers watching. I can understand that but Randy Orton s legend killing days were not that far back.

Why not use spousal gimmicks like they did with Miss Elizabeth. Oh wait they did with John Cenas father getting kicked in the head. Yes I realize it is not a spouse but its family, to me it is the same thing. These gimmicks are not teaching our children anything as it shows to get at someone why go through them themselves when you can go after someone else and torture them emotionally. There are great gimmicks out there that don�t make us change our views or mentality of what is right and wrong.

Now the gimmick they got with Santina to me is golden. That is absolutely hilarious with him stating to the Amazon that she is not half the woman that �Santina� is. It is an innocent gimmick with tons of starting branches for later on. However it is not something that can be run for long. If it does then it�s just dragging a dead cat behind it. Aka it stinks.

I am just glad that they have stopped two gimmicks that basically made me shut off my TV. whenever WWE appeared on the screen. Those gimmicks are the Hornswoggle and the genetic jackhammer. Now people know which ones those are so I wont go into details on them. What they should do though is use Horn as they did back at the start of 2008 when he fought another little person �Mini Boogeyman� The stuff they used in that match was great. They brought back green mist. Which to me is GREATLY underused. They even had a mini royal rumble which was absolutely hilarious and one of the best matches I have seen in a long time.

Some of the best gimmicks are never used anymore. You don�t see any hill billies anymore. You don�t even see any anti establishment characters in the ring. Lets use DX for a min. Sure some of their skits were to me not very polite as they mainly used a sexual nature to their jokes. But the interaction between Hunter Hurst and Shawn Michaels had some of the best moments in the WWE or the WWF history.

My favourite skit from those two was the one where Hunter meets Shawn back stage and comments on how they were not controversial. Then Shawn goes around superkicking interns and office staff left and right while he complains down the hallway. That stuff worked and it drew the customers. Personally I don�t know why they can�t go back to doing that sort of thing but with new wrestlers. The stuff they had Orton doing sucked beyond belief. There was no gimmick and no storylines. Orton just came down to the ring and kicked people in the head. Yes I know I have mentioned this in my last yap but cmon.. it really does suck.

You can tell they realize that some of the stuff they try is horrible as they brought the deadman back from his biker image. That was a great move on their part. There is only so much they can do with a biker image and they definitely didn�t want to make the Undertaker a heel as he was a fan favourite. Some of the biggest hypes that I saw from earlier main events was the Undertaker getting half killed and he kept on sitting back up. Now however they toned it down. He still sits back up but you can see now that he makes it look like it�s an effort. To show the audience that he is indeed hurt. What ever happened to you cannot hurt the deadman?

Some of the best gimmicks that I have seen is yes the DX gimmicks but also the Bushwackers. Those guys rocked whenever they had a match. Who else can lick another mans head and make it look tasty. These guys were golden and to me they were severely underused. The last airing they had was at the gimmick royal rumble on April 1st 2001 during Wrestlemania 17. They were in the ring for all of maybe 3 seconds combined time literally but of that Match I can�t remember who won but I definitely remember that moment. Absolutely the best of all Gimmicks I have seen of any wrestler since.

Personally I say for WWE to release their storyline guys and grab a younger crew that can come up with fresh ideas. I don�t think this is asking for much. I personally haven�t really watched any WWE shows for the past while due to the fact that either the gimmicks are totally stupid and moronic or they don�t even exist at all.

An example for that would be Batista. Where is his gimmick? All he does is strut around the ring flexing. He cant wrestle.. he has no gimmick.. what is the point of having him in the WWE anyways. To be he ties with the skills of Khali. I have seen both of these gentlemen fight outside of the WWE so I know what their abilities are. Both have no skill and no gimmicks. Sure they tried Khali with a gimmick but cmon, the dude is a clubber. He swings his arms 2 miles an hour.

90 of the people in the WWE right now have gimmicks that suck. The rest don�t even have gimmicks. Bloody jobbers. If this keeps up what is the point of even watching wrestling anymore. I say buy the wrestling anthology so you can see what wrestling is actually about. Jericho s beating of men in their 60�s and 70�s is downright ridiculous. Its a waste of our time and money to watch stuff like this when there are better things we can be doing. Like guzzling battery acid.

The WWE should stop insulting its viewers and realize that some actually have a brain. Notice I said some. Watching some of the shows there are people that still jump the barriors and try to attack the wrestlers. Or you can see some of them spit on the wrestlers as they make their way ringside. Some of these wrestlers play a great heel. So great in fact that I guess some people don�t remember what is real and what is fake. For those of us that actually have an education and don�t drink out of the toilet I say its time to give the WWE a chance to remake themselves by turning our attention to the indy matches. There are some great little companies out there that have some good talent and their wrestlers have some gimmicks that are worth enjoying. That are actually worth our time AND money.

Thank you for your time reading this. This has been my big yap and I guess it is time to shut it.

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