Saturday, May 2, 2015

Fantasy Wresling Camp Is Wrestling Pro The Life For You

I have received several emails from people wanting to get into wrestling and one thing seemed common they where unsure if it was for them. Or maybe they just want to see if they like it as much after getting into it. There is a low cost and quick way to find out. If you get the chance,Professional Photos – Getting Ready part 2, attend a Fantasy Camp. These takes place in one day and are relatively inexpensive. It gives you training in very basic skills and lets you experience what its like to step in the ring. It can be a very intense experience as you get a lot thrown at you in the 4 to 6 hours of the camp but it is a wealth of knowledge and an opportunity of a lifetime. If you only take away,custom bobblehead, pictures and a few memories it is still something to talk about and gives you bragging rights. This is how I got my start back in 1999. In this article,Express Your Self By Ink, I will go into detail about what to expect and try to answer some of the questions asked by those who have wanted information. It is not my desire to expose or discredit anyone running a camp or school. I am trying to present my experiences so others can learn from me. I am not calling anyone out nor am I trying to lose him or her customers. It is my desire to educate and hopefully pass the torch to the next great star. As I said in other articles I want my legacy to be as a mentor now and provide others with the information to make the decision if this is for them or not.

The first step is to find a Camp. This can be done via the internet by doing a Google or yahoo search. Or in my case, I asked the promoter of the independent group in my town how to get in and he referred me to his trainer. His trainer has done several fantasy camps and when I talked to others in the business they said his camps where the best in the area. So I chose to sign up after all what could I lose. The next step was to fill out a one page application it asked very basic questions like age,Guide to Buy Wedding Dresses at Low Cost, height, weight,customized bobbleheads, sports experience and what interested me in wrestling. There also was a place for parents to sign and a separate section for them. I was 28 so I did not have to worry about it but I talked to a few young pups that where younger. What impressed me was the trainer and promoter would sit down and go over what was going to happen and only accepted them if the parents and the potential student agreed to and understood what this was. It is important to know the expectations and risks involved. Following turning in the application there was a $50 deposit to hold your spot then on the day of the camp the balance of $75 was due. Now I am not sure what Today�s prices are but remember this was in 1999. I also normally do not include financial information out of respect but chose to put this in as an illustration of the fact that this might be more affordable then paying $1,customized bobbleheads,500 or more and finding out you can�t make it or don�t like it. Remember there is no refund at least I have never heard of one.

Leading up to the fantasy camp, you need to exercise as much as you can. Thinking back, I wish I had trained more. I took for granted that I was in relatively good shape but I really could have used more endurance and better conditioning. A good rule of thumb is 1 hour of exercise a day.

On the day of the camp,custom bobbleheads,The Key To Understanding How To Jump Higher And Areas You Need To Work On To Boost Your Vertical, you will want to arrive in comfortable clothing. Do not worry about dressing in your dream gimmick or like your favorite superstar. This is about education at this point your not even ready so focus on learning. The first thing you will do is stretching and exercises like jumping jacks,personalized bobbleheads, pushups,., sit ups and other things that you have done in physical education class. This will most likely take up an hour or so. That is why I stress to be in great shape. For me it felt like forever. Plan to do 25 to 50 of each exercise now you may be given a break for water but not very long. The goal of this is to get your body loose and to get your heart rate up. Your average match as a beginner is generally 6 to 20 minutes and you defiantly do not want to run out of gas. That is why it is important to have a good endurance.

At this time you will be ready to step into the ring and begin the in ring training. Before they turn you loose or get started, they will give you some instruction. It is very critical to listen and pay attention to this as it can mean the difference in getting yourself or someone else hurt or worse. The trainer and his tag team partner ran this part of the camp and had over 10yrs of experience in the business and done countless shows,personalized bobble heads. The first thing you�ll get taught is the building block of wrestling �The Bump� Virtually every move either starts or end with this move,personalized bobblehead. It is single most used move in the business. It can also be a very difficult and painful move to learn. Falling backwards and hitting the ground while keeping your chin tucked, butt up and arms positioned correctly is a lot to remember but believe me it makes all the difference in the world. Soon you will master it and be able to do several in a row and get up almost instantly. You will feel a rush of excitement as you get better and better at it. Do not get discouraged as it took me a while to get it down and I still today have an occasional problem. Following the mastery of the bump you�ll learns other moves for me it was the clothesline, body slam, Forearm smash,custom bobbleheads, hip toss and Irish whip. Not always does the Irish whip involve a bump but does often lead into setting up one. It is good to know how to work a combination of moves to be able to put together a good match. That is why you are taught these moves, as they are easy to combine. Remember this teaches only basics you will learn more in formal long term training.

Following this series, you will break for lunch. We where treated to sub sandwiches and water. A memorable event happened during this time. I was lying down in the ring and the trainer came by. He was a big guy weighing about 320lbs and very stocky. Without warning, he dropped an elbow into my chest. He replied,personalized bobbleheads, �Always be aware of your surrounding in the ring.� Believe me I always constantly look around now. It was shortly after that,personalized bobble heads, we received our evaluations. It consisted of how we did and if he felt we had what it takes to be a good wrestler. At the bottom of my evaluation was a personalize note saying that if I was interested he was willing to take me on as a student and formally train me. Getting back to earlier what I said about conditioning he told me to get in the gym or exercise as much as I could. It made a huge difference when I started training with him.

We concluded the Camp with a question and answer session. We got to ask about what we did and about something�s that did not get covered,customize bobblehead. Then we received certificates and t shirts,personalized bobblehead. A news reporter took pictures and did an article in the newspaper,custom bobblehead. It was my first taste of stardom as my pictures showed up in the article in the paper.

In the end,,, it was enough for me to decide this was what I wanted to do and signed up for his formal training. The next day was not very much fun though I was so sore and tired. I felt like I had been beat up. The second day I was ready to hit the gym and was determined to be in even better shape when I attended my first official training session as so my career began. Hopefully this will inspire someone who is thinking about being a wrestler and this information will be used as a stepping stone. I did not have this convenience and had to do the research by myself. I wish I had this as it would have made the process easier but then again easier is not necessarily better as not everyone can win a championship but its fun to try. For some just going, the distance is satisfaction enough. A good wrestling buddy of mine says �When it�s not fun then its time to give it up.�

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